
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

on inspiration (why staying up late and getting up early is still the best combination).

last night after work, some friends and i watched a few movies. aferward, i walked home, enjoying what was a pretty warm night for this time of year (read: 0 degrees, celsius). half an hour later - just before bed, home and warm in my room - i drew the blind and saw a blizzard, well underway.

now i've long been a fan of night photography for quite some time, long exposure particularly. i leaned back in my chair, looked to the camera, then out the window, then back to the camera.. you see the pattern developing here. to make a long story short, bed was far too appealing and my camera never moved from the desk. i woke up after a great sleep, somewhat regretful that i didn't take advantage of the opportunity of what could be (ha..?) the last storm of the season, let alone one at night.

thankfully, it snowed again tonight. i got some shots (here's hoping they turn out!) and am really excited to see the results. i picked up some ridiculously cheap film a few days ago and am anxious to see whether it's diamonds in the rough, or.. just rough.

i can't be alone in feeling like too many ideas have just slipped away due to circumstance.. time to make an effort to act upon inspiration.

was that me or did i get a bit cheesy there at the end?

here's something of whimsy to go with that, via the google lat long blog.

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